10 Things Every Parent Should Look For When Choosing Quality Child Care

  1. Child wearing his jester hatDo the teachers greet you and your child when you visit the program and are you permitted to visit during the busiest part of the day?
  2. Are the teachers engaging the children in conversation and activities at the children’s level?
  3. Do the teachers conduct regular health and safety checks of the facility and the learning environments?
  4. Do the children appear happy and engaged in activities and with each other or is the atmosphere unfocused and chaotic?
  5. Are the teachers attentive to the children’s needs as they arise?
  6. Does the childcare have a written Discipline Policy and does the Staff share this readily?
  7. Is the classroom staff supported with incentive benefits such as paid time off, health insurance, professional growth assistance and recognition?
  8. Do the areas in the classroom offer numerous activities that nurture quiet, physical, and creative play?
  9. Do the children play outside every day. Are they offered an opportunity for physical exercise when the weather does not permit outside play?
  10. Is there an open door policy for parents of children enrolled in the program and a solid form of communication between teachers and parents?Child stirring play dough batter